
30 minutes


2 times in a week for 4 weeks


Harmony PRO Acne, thanks to the use of advanced technology, allows for better clinical results with minimal discomfort. The Acne head emits light that attacks the photosensitive bacteria piopinonibacterium acnes, which are responsible for the development of acne. The results of the treatments are more durable than using traditional IPL devices. indications: Support for the treatment of acne vulgaris, even in the active phase. The acne treatment method of acne treatment is very effective. The use of the AFT Acne head quickly destroys the growing bacteria responsible for acne inflammation, quickly heals existing pimples and prevents new ones from forming. A precisely selected beam of light penetrates deep into the skin and acting on the sebaceous glands, limits the production of sebum. Laser light also has disinfecting and shrinking properties.


The technology used allows practically painless treatments against which no anesthetic is used. Intense blue spectrum of pulsed light with a wavelength of 420-950 nm effectively affects porphyrins produced by P. acnes metabolism. Interaction between intense blue light and porphyrin leads to rapid destruction of anaerobic bacteria without damaging the surrounding tissue.


It quickly heals the existing abscesses and prevents the formation of new levels of inflammation Alignment of color


Inflammatory skin, active bacterial and viral infections Metal implants Herpes Fresh tan or use of solarium (up to four weeks before the procedure) Applying self tanning Hypersensitivity to light Waxing, tweezers up to 4 weeks before surgery Apply exfoliating treatments – mechanical chemical peels (stop using one month before the procedure) Cancer Cystoscope in the treatment area Albinism Psoriasis Epilepsy Use of isotretinoin (in the last 3-6 months) Use of tretinoin (in the last 2 weeks) retinoids Antibiotics, steroids, antidepressants Analgesics, aspirin Taking photosensitizers, photosensitive herbs, dietary supplements Pregnancy, breastfeeding Diabetes



Redness and increased reactivity can persist for up to 2-3 days after surgery. The treatment does not require convalescence and does not exclude from daily activities. In order to accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, appropriate attenuating and moisturizing preparations should be applied. One month after the treatment, it is imperative to protect the skin with a cream with a high 50+ filter and avoid direct exposure to the sun.


1 treatment 50zł
Package of four treatments 1600zł

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