Er:YAG Spectro SP (FOTONA)




Laser removal of warts and fibrosis The effect of the Er: YAG Spectro SP fractionating laser is to remove the cutaneous markers, fibrosis and warts.


The laser energy is precisely targeted at the changed tissue. As a result of the laser beam, water evaporates and coagulation occurs. During surgery, there is minimal bleeding from the removed lesion.


The effect is permanent – once removed the change does not return.



Inflammatory skin, active bacterial and viral infections Metal implants Herpes Fresh tan or use of solarium (up to four weeks before surgery Applying self tanning Hypersensitivity to light Waxing, tweezers up to 4 weeks before surgery Apply exfoliating treatments – mechanical chemical peels (stop using one month before the procedure) Cancer Cystoscope in the treatment area Albinism Psoriasis Epilepsy Use of isotretinoin (in the last 3-6 months) Use of tretinoin (in the last 2 weeks) retinoids Antibiotic therapy, steroids antidepressants Analgesics, aspirin Taking photosensitizers, photosensitive herbs, dietary supplements Pregnancy, breastfeeding Diabetes



After surgery, the lesion is peeling or falling off a few days after the fissure, a scab, which can not be broken, is formed. The wound should be self-healing. The stools usually need to be treated with an anti-microbial wound for 7 to 14 days. After this time, they leave without scarring. For the first few weeks after surgery, the skin may remain discolored


One change 150-300zł

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